Google lets antisemitic videos stay on YouTube

Advertisers revolt after web giant’s failure
Fresh analysis shows that more than 200 antisemitic videos are still being hosted on YouTube
Fresh analysis shows that more than 200 antisemitic videos are still being hosted on YouTube

Google is failing to remove virulent antisemitic content from its YouTube video platform in an apparent breach of its own guidelines and the law.

Havas, one of the world’s biggest advertising agencies, pulled hundreds of UK clients out of Google’s advertising network yesterday after revelations in The Times that taxpayers and big brands were unwittingly funding extremists through adverts. Dozens of other brands have also withdrawn their business.

The full scale of Google’s failure to tackle hate speech can be revealed today, with fresh analysis showing that more than 200 antisemitic videos are hosted on YouTube.

The BBC, McDonald’s and Audi joined other advertisers in suspending business with YouTube
The BBC, McDonald’s and Audi joined other advertisers in suspending business with YouTube

In some cases, the offensive videos were uploaded years ago and have attracted hundreds of thousands of views. Some even hosted advertising, suggesting antisemites may be profiting from well-known