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Datally now lets you set aside data for emergency situations

Datally now lets you set aside data for emergency situations

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Image: Google

Google has given its data-saving app Datally an emergency bank mode that lets you set aside data for later use. Datally has also added a bedtime mode that switches off apps’ data usage at night to prevent them from wasting data.

The new emergency bank feature blocks other apps from using data after you’ve reached your allotted amount for the day. It will also warn you when you’re running low on data. Google suggests you could use the feature to save enough data for an urgent message or to find a ride home.

To set up the emergency bank and bedtime features, simply input how much data you need to save up and what time you go to sleep and wake up.

The app can be useful for anyone without unlimited data

Datally was first launched on Android last November as a way for people in developing countries to manage their limited data. But the app can also work for anyone who doesn’t have unlimited data and needs to be more strict with how much they use streaming music and videos.

Back in June, Google added new features like setting limits on how much data you can use in a day and highlighting the unused apps on your phone. The new features announced yesterday seem to build on the same ideas of setting quotas and keeping pesky data-sucking apps in check.