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Google’s data-saving app can now set daily limits and show a map of nearby Wi-Fi networks

Google’s data-saving app can now set daily limits and show a map of nearby Wi-Fi networks

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Image: Google

Google is updating its data-saving Android app Datally to give you more ways to control how you and others use data on your phone. The app is getting several new features including the ability to set daily data usage limits and a guest mode to control how much data a friend uses when they borrow your phone. Datally was first launched in November to help people in emerging markets with limited data.

The first feature Google has added is called daily limits, which lets you set quotas on how much data you can use each day. It’s supposed to help you conserve data over time so that you don’t run out before the end of a cycle.

There’s also a guest mode so you can limit how much data someone borrowing your phone can use. It may be useful for families that share one phone. A third feature Google is introducing highlights the unused apps on your phone that could still be sucking up data. Even apps that haven’t been opened for over a month could still be using data in the background, and this feature will recommend that you uninstall them.

Image: Google

The last feature is just an upgrade to an existing one. Now instead of simply suggesting nearby Wi-Fi networks, Datally will also provide a map, so that you can walk over and get a better signal. Rather than having to look around frantically for free Wi-Fi, you’ll know where to go. The features roll out to Datally today.

Datally could be useful for anyone who isn’t on an unlimited plan. Before the update, the app had basic functionality like identifying the apps that use the most data and the times when you see the most data usage. It gave tips on minimizing data usage and suggested nearby Wi-Fi networks to connect to. It also had a button for ending all background data usage, so that only active apps on-screen could use mobile data.

Many of these features were already available inside Android settings, but Datally made them more noticeable with big and obvious buttons.