
LG shows off an 8K OLED and huge MicroLED TV, because Samsung

The back and forth between the two Korean giants never ends.

A few years ago it was curved TVs and 4K, but the never-ending game of LG vs. Samsung and who can create the most unnecessary display porn has moved on. Yesterday, Samsung showed off its first consumer-ready 8K QLED TV at IFA, but LG wasn't going to let its Korean nemesis take all the super-ultra-high-definition glory. And so today LG announced its own 88-inch 8K OLED panel, which is, naturally, a "world's first" because there's little reason for it to exist right now. There's no price or release date or really any information whatsoever on the TV because it's basically just a technical exercise, and because it's 3 inches bigger than the biggest Samsung TV, LG kinda won, I guess? And yes, it looks incredible.

But 8K isn't the only battleground on which blood has been spilled at IFA. Samsung might actually be close to shipping its insane 146-inch 4K MicroLED TV to deep-pocketed consumers, but LG wanted everyone to know bigger is better by unveiling its own 173-inch model today. Again, it's absolutely mesmerizing to stare into, but that's about as close to a technical detail as you're gonna get considering it's the display equivalent of magic beans. Still, it's fun to see the two massive international companies continue their playground one-upmanship of who has the shiniest Pokémon card.

Follow all the latest news from IFA 2018 here!

Camera: Liviu Oprescu
Editor: Liviu Oprescu
Host: Jamie Rigg