
Virtual Geek

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VMWare vSphere suite (vCenter, Esxi and other products) can be managed using powercli, It is software module installed as same as about to deprecate old vSphere c# client. Prerequisite is you must have Powershell on the client desktop or server from you are managing vSphere, by default Powershell available on microsoft latest OS. There are two options available to install PowerCLI, first method is download vSphere Powercli installer from VMware website, it requires login to VMware site. Installation is very easy and not much interactive. Accept license agreement and Click next until finish.

Another new method Installing VMware.Powercli latest version and Error Invalid server certificate Set-PowerCLIConfiguration

Install vsphere VMWare Powercli Installer installshiled wizard free license agreement, vsphere vcloud air, vcd powercli, update manager, vrealize operations manager, horizon view, install

find download and launch vmware powercliYou can find VMware PowerCLI icon on desktop or in search bar, lanuch it. It opens Windows Powershell, but in the background it runs the script INITIALIZE-POWERCLIENVIRONMENT.PS1 located under location  %program files%\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere Powercli\Scripts, and loads (Imports) all the required vmware module, These modules can be imported individually as per requirement which I will be showing later in this article when showing second installation method. Incase if you are facing issue and seeing error on the powershell console I suggest you to check below article to resolve issue POWERCLI INITIALIZE-POWERCLIENVIRONMENT.PS1 CANNOT BE LOADED BECAUSE RUNNING SCRIPTS IS DISABLED

I can see the version of VMware Powercli on the title bar. For first time it will ask for Participate in VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program CEIP, Choose your option. from here on I am ready to use it.

VMWare Powercli 6.5 release 1 console, connect-viserver, Get-VICommand, Get-PowercliHelp, Get-VM, Get-PowerCLICOmmunity, CEIP

Below are all available modules related to VMware and loaded with PowerCLI, It can be viewed imported modules with command Get-Module.

  • Initialize-VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView
  • Initialize-VMware.VimAutomation.License
  • Initialize-VMware.VimAutomation.vROps
  • Initialize-VMware_DeployAutomation
  • Initialize-VMware_VimAutomation_Cis
  • Initialize-VMware_VumAutomation
  • VMware.DeployAutomation
  • VMware.ImageBuilder
  • VMware.VimAutomation.Cis.Core
  • VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud
  • VMware.VimAutomation.Common
  • VMware.VimAutomation.Core
  • VMware.VimAutomation.HA
  • VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView
  • VMware.VimAutomation.License
  • VMware.VimAutomation.PCloud
  • VMware.VimAutomation.Sdk
  • VMware.VimAutomation.Storage
  • VMware.VimAutomation.Vds
  • VMware.VimAutomation.vROps
  • VMware.VumAutomation

vmware powercli get-module, vmware.vimautomation.core, vumautomation, vrops, vds, storage, sdk,pcloud, license, horizonview, ha, core, common, cloud, cis.core, deployautomation

Now I have my Powercli is installed and setup, think it is as client only, My very first command will be Connect-VIserver vCenterIp_or_FQDN. It connects to vCenter and ask for credentials - Username and Password. If it is successful I see the connection status with server name, port and username, I connected to. While connecting It shows me warning about server certificate and I can ignore it for time being until I install valid public or CA certificate, but for now I don't require it. and My second command is Get-VM, it shows the list of VMs with there status.

VMWare vSphere Powercli free class tutorial and example, Connect-VIserver, Get-VM Certificate credentials username password

Earlier installer wizard was the old method. This second new method is very straight forward, download module directly from online Microsoft PS gallary, This requires no logging to VMware site and can be automated easily in the script. It requires Internet and Administrator rights, After running Find-Module VMware* it shows me all related module in the online Microsoft PSGallary repository. Right now I require one of the main module and I am installing it using command Install-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core -Confirm:$false, downloaded modules can be found at location C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

Also make sure you are ok with Powershell question and ask for your input Yes or No:
You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository. If you trust this repository, change its Installation Policy value by running the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are you sure you want to install the modules from 'PSGallery'?

VMware Powercli, Find-Module, Install-Module VMware.VImAuatomation, Import-Module, get-Module, VMware PSGallary Online

I can see the list of loaded modules with Get-Module. As Powershell core is available on Linux as well as Mac os there is fling available to install powercli core on Linux from

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