Weetabix vs Weet-bix: UK cereal held by New Zealand customs

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WeetabixImage source, Reuters

A consignment of UK breakfast cereal Weetabix has reportedly been impounded by New Zealand customs officials, after complaints it could confuse customers.

The 300 boxes had been ordered by a specialist shop in Christchurch, "A Little Bit of Britain".

But food giant Sanitarium, which owns rival brand Weet-bix, has objected to it being sold.

The shop's owner has been told the cereal will only be released if a sticker is put over the Weetabix label.

Sanitarium said its Weet-Bix brand was protected by international law and, in turn, was often precluded from being sold in other global markets due to the Weetabix trade mark.

Lisa Wilson, of the A Little Bit of Britain shop, which specialises in UK products, said she could not understand the move, as the products looked and tasted different.

The store currently sells some seven boxes of Weetabix a day.