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There’s Actually A Reason You Sneeze When You Look At Light

Props to whoever named it ACHOO.

Have you ever tried looking into a light (or the sun) to sneeze?

If it worked for you, then you might have what's known as photic sneeze reflex — although I prefer calling it by its other name, ACHOO.

It's definitely a trait that's passed down from one of your parents.

And while nobody knows exactly how it happens, there are a couple of theories. One of them is that it's caused by a glitch in one of the head's main nerves.

The other theory is that it's caused by a quirk in your body's involuntary nervous system.

The reflex is most often triggered by sudden exposure to bright light — like when coming out of a tunnel and seeing the sun — but really, it could probably be any light.

After you sneeze, there will usually be a period of time where looking at light will have little to no effect.

There's not much you can do to stop the reflex from happening, but being aware of it can help to reduce the effects it has.